
OMG: I Left my Crown at the Airport!

One of the perks of winning Miss Universe is the privilege of wearing its prestigious crown. For the 365 days after the coronation, the crown never left my side. Except for that one time when I almost managed to lose it.

Yep, I (almost) left my crown at the airport!

These are real facts, people.

I can talk about it now and smile, but let me tell you: the preoccupation I felt while everything was happening, well, I’d rather not have that feeling ever again in my life.

Paulina Vega


It was June of 2015, I was right in the middle of my reign, at a time when I was taking more than twenty flights per month, traveling the world to represent the Miss Universe institution.

My crown was my most loyal travel companion. She was always by my side, preciously kept inside a safe in my carry-on. Perhaps the most iconic Miss Universe crown ever, it was estimated to be worth $300,000—but don’t envy me, I didn’t get to keep it! The design reflected the Manhattan skyline in homage to the city where Miss Universe lives during her reign.

Running frantically to catch the next plane to host one of the most important opera events in the world in Kazakhstan, I went through the security checkpoint and…I just kept walking like I didn’t have a carry-on with me with a very expensive crown inside.

When I arrived at the gate, the plane was already boarding. I checked the last messages received on my phone while waiting to get on. And then I stared feeling like something was missing…until it hit me. I basically had a heart attack right there.

I ran back to the security checkpoint to get it back, with my heart pounding in my chest and blood throbbing in my temples…I was in full panic mode!

But it was still there! Sitting there. There there there, YES!

Miss Universe

I don’t tend to get attached to things easily. To me the value is never in the objects themselves, but in what they represent, in the meaning they bring to life. This must be the reason why I almost left my crown behind. With or without it, being a Miss Universe will always be part of my personal story and, most importantly, everything that came with it: the ability to travel and see different parts of the world, meeting incredible people, and experiencing very glamorous but also very human moments.

All things that I now want to share with you, thanks to this blog. I want you to learn more about my world and what I am living and experiencing each day.

Miss Universe was only the beginning. Now it’s up to me to use the exposure and visibility that it gave me, to make a difference, to open doors, to bring my contribution to the causes I believe in. To leave my mark in the world.

Miss Universe
Photo Credits: Matallana

I believe nothing happens by chance. Perhaps the (almost) lost crown was a sign that a new phase was about to start in my life. The same book. The same Paulina. A new chapter.

And I am writing many more.

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    Mario RJ says:


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    Virna says:

    I feel you 🙂 I forgot my carry on luggage once too. I was traveling from Los Angeles to Colombia, your heart stop until you are able to grab your luggage again! xoxo

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    Luis says:

    That’s true!! You were right the most value things for me also are the one that are important according what the meaning is and not for the cost or how much expensive it is.
    This post made me laugh since I just pictured your glam, careless nothing queen face running for.

    Love ya!

    Ps, now I can appreciate the beauty of your essence.


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    Me encanta, eres una mujer increíble con muchas cosas para dar al mundo. Gracias por querer aportar al desarrollo de un mejor país y por mostrarte siempre tal y como eres

  5. Avatar
    LuisJmz says:

    Hahahaha… I feel you, I’m forgetting everything every single day. I don’t know how I can change that. Greetings from Soledad!

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    Valentina says:

    Conclusión… Eres perfecta con o sin corona jajajaja

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    Michelle says:

    What a Story girl! Jajaja eres unica, saludos desde Barranquilla??

  8. Avatar
    Michelle says:

    What a story girl! Jajaja eres unica, saludos desde Barranquilla<3.

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    Que bueno que no la perdiste porque hubieses quedado empeñada jajajaajaja esa corona fue la llave a un destino que ya estaba escrito naciste para brillar como los diamantes de tu corona.

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    Luzstella Olivo says:

    la corona es solo tuya por el año que representas? No te dan una réplica de esa o en anteriores años tengo entendido que la ganadora le daban la corona por siempre.

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    Jorge Jordan says:

    Hola Paulina:
    Gracias por compartir esta historia. Tu reinado fue uno de los más esperados en mi vida.
    Desde que empecé a ver el concurso, eso hace bastante rato, esperaba que una colombiana ganase.
    Ese 25 de enero quedará grabado en mi memoria por siempre y para siempre.

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    Karl-cedric says:

    I’m a Big fan of Paulina and i’m happy because she share this story with us .i was Always thinking that Paulina was hated missuniverse ,she was hated pia ,iris etc…… Because after her reign she never post a pic about her when she was MU and she don’t follow any missuniverse on Instagram or the missuniverse account beside Olivia culpo i was thinking that its was wierd but i don’t and i never judge her it’s her account she Can Do everything that she want on it so now read for my First this story i’m happy to know she don’t hate because she says ”the same Book ,the same Paulina ,another chapter.and i understand that being MU was a chapter it’s was in 2014 now we are in 2018 and life continious and i want to know more and more about Paulina i want knew her like myself and that’s why i’m Reading this blog cause ilysm Paulina and xoxo

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    Carlos M. Altamar says:

    Te admiro mucho paulina te vi en cartagena con la corona de miss universo y fue uno de los dias mas emocionantes, por otra parte no se quedan con una replica de la corona? con que recuerdo se quedan?

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    Sophia says:

    Paulina, Thank you for sharing with us this experience in your life. You are an amazing human being and my one and only favorite Miss Universe. I love you and I hope your life will be surrounded be great things. Xoxoxo ???❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    Swan says:

    Girl i just dropped the mic!!! That was a little tale you forgot to share with me…. it all worked out and all for a reason!!! What the title is all about! Make memories and dreams come true! #getthestrap #heartattachafterthefact ????

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    Jhonatan gallego says:

    Me encantas como esa espectacular reina d Miss universo recuerdo esa noche q te estaban coronando Jajajaja fue lo máximo en mi casa estábamos haciendo parrillada y tomándonos unos aguardiente ?? cuando dieron el resultado casi morí d pre_infarto ????Jajajaja te amoo por verme dado esa felicidad tan enorme ??❤?mil gracias @Paulina vega

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    Maria Reyes says:

    fav miss universe ❤️

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    Kendrys De La Hoz says:

    Eres mi gran ejemplo, cómo tú no hay otra, me siento privilegiada que cumplamos años el mismo día.

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    Camilo says:

    Hola, mi vida es algo normal, estudio mucho tengo dos trabajos estudio un técnica y una tecnología, no viajo a ningún lado excepto con mi alma, con la cual he recorrido la perfección de lo sentidos, y por ahí a 100tos de km, a veces me enojo por no tener más, pero recuerdo que esto solo es pasajero y no estoy tan mal, comparado con mucha gente. me gusta andar en moto, la mía no vale un montón de dinero pero me gusta, y poco a poco la arreglo, para que cada vez sea mejor, tiene partes costosas, al final acepte que no era lo que esperaban que fuera, comprendí la vacuidad del querer lo que no se tiene, un día me puse a pensar que tal vez así era suficiente, conocer personas cada día no te llena de conocimientos profundos sobre las personas, cuando era joven pensaba que iba a tener mucho dinero, que iba a ser inmensamente rico, y si lo fui. trabajo muy poco pero gano lo suficiente y emprendo aventuras, a veces peleó con delincuentes las últimas veces que me han intentado atracar lo he evitado, mi familia no sabe que hago eso, pero no temo morir, estos días estaba en problemas con unos asaltantes y casi me matan, casualmente se desató la desastrosa tormenta como si tratara de evitarlo, a pesar de todo la vida es un lujo, y aunque la humanidad no entienda el valor de proteger el mundo, me voy contento de haberlo habitado. me alegra que seas así, eres una persona buena, te vi rodeada niños en el choco, cuando los humanos están pequeños brillan sus ojos con una inmensa bondad. Así quiero recordar el mundo, como un lugar donde el bien habitaba.

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    Margarita says:

    Wow que historia, algo que me quedo soñando, en Junio de 2014 ya eras Miss Universe? Pensé que te habías coronado en el 2015.
